Want to build something in a remote, wilderness setting? We can help you design it.
Our designs are specifically suited to wilderness areas. We design robust, low maintenance, aesthetically pleasing and cost effective facilities that are able to be prefabricated. This is our specialty.
Because we also operate wilderness ecotourism facilities, we understand which designs perform well in backcountry environments. All of our designs focus on function and constructibility; however, they also consider your long-term operational and maintenance needs.
We have seen many projects where owners go through a lengthy and expensive design process only to find out that it is not feasible to construct in their backcountry location. We get it right the first time. If you are thinking of building in remote, difficult terrain, give us a call to discuss design options suited to your project.

Our design process involves:
We design:
Cabins, yurts and prefabricated dwellings
Campgrounds - serviced and unserviced
Site and landscape level property designs
Trails - high use urban to remote backcountry
Walkways and boardwalk
Industrial and private roads
Cable cars
Vehicle and pedestrian bridges
Stream crossings over sensitive fish habitat
Barge ramps
Boat launches
Waterless off-grid composting toilets
Retaining walls
GPS surveys
GIS analysis and mapping
AutoCAD drafting