Resource Assessments
You are the owner of an oceanfront property on one of the Gulf Islands. You want to build a guesthouse, and perhaps a way to access the beach in front of your property. You need to figure out how to design and build a way down the cliffs that is safe and aesthetically pleasing. We can help.
You are a land manager working on a new project in Northern BC. With the site you have purchased, you are weighing options for a remote development.
You are looking at the feasibility of a trail network and perhaps new camping area. We can help with initial assessments, recommendations and priorities, as well as provide cost estimates.
We perform:
Resource assessments - We undertake site and landscape level reconnaissance to report on the potential for recreation or operational use. We can report on other criteria and values as required and prepare detail maps with the results.
Feasibility assessments - Before you get started on your project, we look at its feasibility. Are there any showstoppers? Steep slopes? Eroding river banks? Archaeological remains? Sensitive environmental areas? Possible permitting issues? We identify potential project pain points before they become a problem.
Inventories - We identify the assets you currently have on your property.
Facility Condition Assessments - We look at the condition of your assets and determine your capital project priorities over the coming 3-5 years.
Safety and Liability - We inspect your facilities and trails to determine if they are providing a safe user experience.
Engineer inspections - We coordinate the inspection of bridges, buildings and steep slopes for condition.
Environmental assessments - We coordinate the assessment of fish, wildlife and marine habitat health. We do invasive plant mapping and specialized removal.
Archaeology - We coordinate archeological impact assessments, management plans and guidance.

What does this mean for you?
We provide you the information and recommendations you require to make sound decisions for your project.