Park Operations
We have enjoyed every second of the last 15 years as the Park Operators at two of Vancouver Island's most remote Provincial Parks, Cape Scott and Strathcona. These parks have a total area of 275,000 hectares and include more than 200 kilometres of trails, 20 campgrounds, and an almost infinite amount of space to explore!
Working in vast wilderness areas demands resolute focus on remote logistics. To keep our staff and the public safe, we use GPS enabled satellite communications to maintain real-time location data and help streamline emergency responses. Our in-house quality control program includes regular field reviews, GPS surveys and an asset database management system. These tools help us keep our client’s priorities in focus at all times.
We hire and train a team of 15 plus seasonal workers each summer to oversee the maintenance and guest safety at each of our parks. We invest in training our staff with the aim that they can continue on in a full-time, year-round capacity with 43K Wilderness Solutions. Many look back on their summer as a Park Operator with us as one of the most satisfying jobs of their life.
Additionally, we have experience operating forest recreation sites and regional district parks like Goose Spit Reserve. We have supported private campground operations on consulting projects and with site assessments. We have led several interpretive planning projects for various parks to enhance guest experience.

"We hiked the Bedwell trail this weekend, and we ran into some of the park staff on the way up. We just wanted to pass along our thoughts. The staff were amazing! They were so kind, helpful, and encouraging. They obviously like their jobs, and from our perspective they were doing it well. The trail was exceptionally well-maintained, the campsite was clean, and even though the outhouse was not great, they warned us and assured us that it would be flown out next week. We were so impressed with the staff, and the park overall. Well done!"
- Izzy and Chris.